
Payment of Taxes

Tax Notices are mailed approximately the middle to end of August. Discounts are available for the early payment of taxes but do not apply to the education portion of taxes.

If paid by September 30th – 5%
If paid by October 31st – 4%
If paid by November 30th – 2%

Unpaid taxes as of December 31st are subject to penalty of 1% per month beginning January 1st.

Payment Methods


Cheques can be mailed or dropped off at the RM Office. If the office is closed there is a locked box outside the door
that cheques can be securely left in.


E-transfers can be sent to [email protected]. The RM is set up for automatic deposit.

Online Banking

The RM is set up as a vendor at many institutions including Credit Unions, BMO, Scotiabank and TD Canada Trust. Check with your banking institution as many clearing houses provide this service for many institutions that may not be listed. Please start your vendor search with RM OF WELLINGTON or WELLINGTON NO. Find out how to get your account number information.